Saturday, October 1, 2011

Live the Questions

"...I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."
Rainer Maria Rilke, 1903 in Letters to a Young Poet

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Moving Through Fear and Listening to Intuition

Sometimes it appears that the voice in my head is very wise and has the right path for me. It seems to want to protect me from harm, to help me resist those activities that would put me at risk. I have been looking closer recently and paying more attention to what that voice is actually saying. I have discovered that this voice is not me at all, but remnants of my life that are being released and have no meaning for me anymore.

It has taken me a long time to recognize this voice as meaningless. I have been listening to it intently for so many years and letting it run my life. Letting go of the attachment to it is challenging. And the benefit is remarkable.
I was told by one of my teacher’s recently that this mind chatter voice is like the out-breath. Just allow it to be expelled, she said. Don’t regard it as wisdom of any kind.
It is not meant to teach us anything.

Amazing things are happening as I let go of this voice, simply allowing it rise up, speak its peace and then move on. Space is created in its place and the voice of spirit is coming through.
The voice of my intuition is quietly revealing itself.

I hear often that people are afraid of what others will think and are worried about taking risks during this time of seeming economic downturn. These feelings of fear are often cultivated from listening to this mind chatter voice. It can be helpful to see what the voice says. You can aknowledge the voice as a benign expellation of that which is no longer useful and ask the voice of intuition to show you the right path.
Listening outside in nature has strengthened my ability to hear the voice of intuition.
A simple exercise, a walking meditation outside in your yard or neighborhood is a good way to start. Go outside on the land near where you live. Bring attention to your breath and breathe three breaths naturally. Now begin to walk and first notice what you see, acknowleding each sighting. Then do this with what you hear, what you smell and what you feel.
Give thank when this is complete.

Another simple exercise is putting your dominant hand on the trunk of a familiar tree and following your breath. Breathing and listening. And then give thanks for what you have received.
Another very exciting thing that I hear quite often lately is that people are being called to a life that is deeper and more expansive than the lives they have been living up until now. And, the mind chatter voice gets very loud as I step out to fulfill my calling. I would say that the more risks I take, the louder the mind chatter.
I have discovered that to be everything I am called to be, I must move through being terrified in order to step out fully. The deeper and closer I get to my most precious life the more fear that comes up. 
Being in groups of others that are also taking risks has helped me feel like I can keeping going and keep following the voice of intuition. Working with coaches and teachers has been a wonderful way to give voice to my true path and be reminded and encouraged to let go of the mind chatter.
Are you one of those people that is being called to a deeper, more expansive life?
What would happen if you created more space for your intuition to speak through you?
Who would you be, living your most precious life?
May it be in Beauty.